Someplace Else is a collective of hackers and free thinking individuals working towards educating all willing to learn by offering resources and contact with knowledgable like minded people. We hope you enjoy our site and find something of value here. The Someplace Else website is a quick catalogue of services, ideas, and technologies that we support and would love for all to explore.
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[LAST UPDATED ON June 18, 2023]
The Libraries
- Our Library and our Wiki.
- The-Eye is a non-profit, community driven platform dedicated to the archiving and long-term preservation of any and all data including but by no means limited to... websites, books, games, software, video, audio, other digital-obscura and ideas.
- The Arachist Library is an archive focusing on anarchism and anarchist texts.
- The Book of Secret Knowledge is collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools, and more.
- The Imperial Library is a repository of DRM-free ebooks on ePub format.
- The EFF The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world.
- Hak5 is a tech show that discusses the latest hacking news and develop the most popular hacking devices on the market.
- Hacker News is a social news website focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship.
- The Hacker News features latest cyber security news and in-depth coverage of current as well as future trends in Infosec and how they are shaping the cyber world.
Privacy & Anonymity
- Tor Project is an encrypted anonymising network that makes it harder to intercept internet communications, or see where communications are coming from or going to.
- Mullvad Mullvad is an open-source virtual private network service based in Sweden.
- Surveillance Self-Defense is a resource for tips, tools and how-tos for safer online communications.
- Tips on Remaining Anonymous from whonix.
- How to Exit the Matrix
- Privacy Tools provides services, tools and knowledge to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance.
- ProtonMail is an end-to-end encrypted email address service.
- Guerrilla Mail is a free disposable email address service.
- Veracrypt is free open source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. (RIP Truecrypt)
- Qubes OS is a free and open-source security-oriented operating system meant for single-user desktop computing.
- PRISM Break is a database that advocates for privacy and helps organize centralized and decetralized software to educate people interested in their own privacy online.
- SecureDrop is a free software platform for secure communication between journalists and sources.
- Linux From Scratch (LFS) Is a project that provides you with step-by-step instructions for building your own custom Linux system, entirely from source code.
- Linux Journey is a completely free service for teaching people that are completely new to linux.
- linux Newbie Guide is a resource if you are completely new to Linux.
- Linuxtopia is an extensive online resource for anyone learning or deploying enterprise level open source technology.
Neat Sites
- The Courage Foundation is an international organization that supports those who risk life or liberty to make significant contributions to the historical record.
- WikiLeaks is a giant library of the world's most persecuted documents.
- Spyware Watchdog is a site designed to inform users on wide ranges of software that engage in spying and how to mitigate it.
- ELDRITCHDATA is a library of Documentation and other writings that talk about Linux, Computer Science, Security, Lockpicking, OSINT, Politics and other important information.
- Intrinsically Repulsive is a site that display's the site owners views on Anonymity, Privacy and Security.
- Dig Deeper
- 0x00sec is the self proclaimed [Home of the Hacker] providing discussions on Malware, Reverse Engineering, and Computer Science.
- textfiles.com is a site filled with lots of info and articles that have been compiled over the years.
- Dark.fail Is a monitor for the darknet (Tor hidden services).
- Riseup provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change. They are a project to create democratic alternatives and practice self-determination by controlling their own secure means of communications.
- Districts is a site directory created on Neocities for Neocities, aiming to make finding sites relevant to your interests easier.
- Pwnagotchi is an A2C-based “AI” powered by bettercap and running on a Raspberry Pi Zero W that learns from its surrounding WiFi environment in order to maximize the crackable WPA key material it captures (either through passive sniffing or by performing deauthentication and association attacks).
- Bash Bunny is the world's most advanced USB attack platform. It delivers penetration testing attacks and IT automation tasks in seconds by emulating combinations of trusted USB devices – like gigabit Ethernet, serial, flash storage and keyboards.
- The Wi-Fi Pineapple is a wireless auditing platform that allows "network security administrators" to conduct penetration tests.
- The USB Rubber Ducky is a keystroke injection tool disguised as a generic flash drive.
- Project MF is a living, breathing simulation of analog SF/MF telephone signaling just as it was used in the telephone network of the 1950s through the 1980s.
- Tastic RFID Thief is a silent, long-range RFID reader that can steal the proximity badge information from an unsuspecting employee as they physically walk near this concealed device. [Build Guide]
- Proxmark is an RFID swiss-army tool, allowing for both high and low level interactions with the vast majority of RFID tags and systems world-wide.
- HackRF One is a Software Defined Radio peripheral capable of transmission or reception of radio signals from 1 MHz to 6 GHz. Designed to enable test and development of modern and next generation radio technologies, HackRF One is an open source hardware platform that can be used as a USB peripheral or programmed for stand-alone operation.
- Digispark USB Development Board is an Attiny85 based microcontroller development board similar to the Arduino line, only cheaper, smaller, and a bit less powerful.
- MagSpoof is a device that can spoof/emulate any magnetic stripe or credit card. It can work "wirelessly", even on standard magstripe/credit card readers, by generating a strong electromagnetic field that emulates a traditional magnetic stripe card.
- Flipper Zero is a portable multi-tool for pentesters and geeks in a toy-like body. It loves hacking digital stuff, such as radio protocols, access control systems, hardware and more. It's fully open-source and customizable, so you can extend it in whatever way you like. [Discord]
- WiFi Nugget is based on the ESP8266, complete with screen, buttons, neopixel, headers, and D1 mini board, soldered and tested. Supports Arduino IDE and micropython.